Cold spells and fog still ahead


BANGKOK, 30 December 2013 The Meteorological Department has revealed that the whole of Thailand will still be experiencing cold spells with some fogs in certain areas – especially in the North. Motorists are advised to be cautious on the roads. 

The Meteorological Department has reported more high pressure winds moving in from China – rendering Thailand to continue to have cold spells and fog, particularly in the North, during the early mornings.

Motorists are advised to be cautious on the roads, as some areas are reported to experience thick fog.

Waves in the Gulf of Thailand from Songkhla province downwards are said to be as high as 2-3 meters. Fishermen are therefore advised to stay alert and be on the look out for high waves when out at sea.

Bangkok and the metropolitan area are experiencing fog and cold weather of as low as 16-17 degrees Celsius, and reaching up to 27-28 degrees during the day.