Companies back circular economy at eco innovation forum


Bangkok – The Ministry of Industry, the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand, the Water and Environment Institute for Sustainability, and the Federation of Thai Industries have held the Eco Innovation Forum 2019 on the theme ‘The Economy: Way to a Smart and Sustainable Eco Industrial Town’.

Exhibitions on eco industrial town development were held in the forum by government agencies, entrepreneurs, and educational institutions. Some 200 Eco Factory awards were given to winning industrial estates and factories.

An Advisor to the Minister of Industry, Theerayut Wanitchang said the Ministry of Industry has clear goals to encourage OTOP entrepreneurs and SMEs to adopt the Bio Economy, Circular Economy, and Green Economy or BCG Model in their operations.

The Ministry of Industry and the Federation of Thai Industries have signed an agreement on the Factory 4.0 industry development model through the BLISS Project, aimed at maximizing added value from limited resources, by designing products that encourage recycling, promote innovations and help efficiently reduce resource and energy consumption in an environmentally friendly manner.

The eco industrial city project was piloted in Ban Chang, Rayong, to support future industrial development in the Eastern Economic Corridor, and to promote proper electronic waste processing.

The Ministry of Industry is expected to turn all industrial estates in Thailand into eco industrial cities fully engaged in the Circular Economy by 2021.