Construction projects in Bangkok to continue under strict public safety measures

The CCSA will relax curbs on construction projects where they could cause damage or danger, particularly underground projects, scaffolding and those related to traffic safety and those projects related to COVID-19 control, such as field hospitals, will also be allowed to proceed.

The Thai government plans to allow some construction projects to resume in Bangkok and surrounding provinces, though most sites and worker dormitories will remain closed.

The Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) has agreed to relax curbs on construction projects where they could cause damage or danger, particularly underground projects, scaffolding and those related to traffic safety. Construction projects related to COVID-19 control, such as field hospitals, will also be allowed to proceed.

The CCSA said movement of construction workers will be allowed for outbreak containment purposes, such as health screening and vaccinations, adding that further details will be announced later.

Most construction sites and worker dormitories in Bangkok, the epicenter of the outbreak, and in five surrounding provinces, will, however, remain closed until late this month, to limit COVID-19 infections and deaths. (NNT)