Construction of royal funeral pyre at Sanam Luang to start soon


The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) is now ready to begin groundwork for the construction of the royal funeral pyre of the beloved King Bhumibol Adulyadej at Sanam Luang.


BMA spokesperson Ms Tridow Abhaiwong said the Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning has been tasked with the planning and construction which is expected to finish by February next year.

She said two-thirds of the area in the southern part of Sanam Luang will be used as the site of the royal funeral pyre.

She said some groundwork such as levelling the area has already started.

Meanwhile the Peace and Order Command yesterday sought cooperation from mourners not to dispose rubbish at the foot of the tamarind trees as thus could endanger the century old trees.

It said tamarind trees are the symbolic trees of Sanam Luang which everybody should help to look after.