Court acquits a member of “Men in Black” charged with illegal possession of war weapons


A man who was charged with possessing war weapons which were found hidden in a Honda Civic in May 2010 was acquitted by the Criminal Court due to insufficient evidence.

The court noted that a key prosecution witness, the housekeeper of an apartment in Ram-inthra area where the car was found, gave conflicting testimonies regarding the defendant, Mr Kittisak Soomsri, and, therefore, was not credible.


Also, tests of DNA specimens from Mr Kittisak did not match with the DNA specimens found on the war weapons which include an AK47 assault rifles, TNT explosives, bottle bombs, fire extinguisher tank filled with urea fertilizer and M79 grenades.

Hence, the court found the prosecution evidences not strong enough to prove the guilt of the defendant and decided to acquit him.

Mr Kittisak was one of the four men and one woman accused of being “Men in Black” who fought against government troops at Kok Wua intersection during the violent protests against the Abhisit government by red-shirt followers on April 10, 2010.

The five suspects were charged illegal possession of war weapons and the case is still pending with the Criminal Court. They pleaded guilty during their detention at an army camp but they, afterward, changed their guilty plea claiming that they were tortured and forced to make the confessions.