Court to rule on case against Pita over royal insults law in January

Pita and the MFP were accused of attempting to overthrow the democratic system with His Majesty the King as the Head of State.

The Constitutional Court is set for the end of next month to rule on the case against the opposition Move Forward Party and its former leader Pita Limjaroenrat over its plans to amend the law that prohibits insults of the monarchy.

Pita and the MFP were accused of attempting to overthrow the democratic system with His Majesty the King as the Head of State. The complaint was filed to the court by lawyer Theerayut Suwannakaysorn in relation to the MFP’s policy to amend the Section 112 of the Criminal Code, the lese majeste law.

He asked the court to rule whether the election campaigns by Pita and Move Forward and its policy to amend the royal insults law were exercising rights and liberty to overthrow the constitutional monarchy in violation of Section 49 of the charter.

The court on Monday interrogated two witnesses, Move Forward leader Chaithawat Tulathon and Pita who is currently advisor to the MFP leader and set the ruling date on Jan 31, 2024. (TNA)