Culture Ministry to promote Thai food, boxing and films


BANGKOK,(NNT) – The Ministry of Culture has planned to promote Thai food, boxing and films to attract more money to the country.

Thailand News 28-03-17 1 NNT Culture Ministry to promote Thai food, boxing and films 1JPG

Culture Minister Vira Rojpojchanarat said the Office of Contemporary Art and Culture’s (OCAC) meeting had agreed to expedite the contemporary culture promotion plan for 2017-2021, specially on a study, research and promotion of cultural aspects which can help enhance the economy.

The plan is categorized into fashion film in festivals, the promotion of Thai culture, food, and boxing. The OCAC will work together with government agencies, education institutes, and private companies to push forward the projects.

The OCAC’s research projects will focus on the management of the contemporary art gallery where the construction is expected to be completed in 2019. The OCAC meeting also ordered a survey to find international contemporary art contests and exhibitions at which the office will encourage Thai youth, students, and contemporary artists to participate.