Culture Ministry protecting four historic plants


Chiang Mai – The Ministry of Culture is keen to preserve four plant species that have been known to Thai people since ancient times.

Culture Minister Veera Rojpojanarat chaired a ceremony on Friday to launch an official project to preserve and secure the existence of ancient national flora, unveiling the four plant species to the public: Yang Na Yai trees, Giant Monkey Pod trees, Yang Na Rom Mongkhon trees, and Ma Jam Rong trees.

The four plant species will be planted along Chiang Mai-Lamphun Road, in the grounds off Chiang Mai Gymkhana Club, at Wat Chedi Luang Varavihara, and in the San Pa Tong district of Chiang Mai province.

These species have been known to Thai people since ancient times. The project aims to teach people to co-exist with the nature and protect the environment.