Damage reported in several northern provinces after Chiang Rai quake


CHIANG RAI, 6 May 2014 – Damage has been reported in several provinces in the North after a magnitude 6.3 quake occurred in Chiang Rai, with an epicenter located 10 kilometers deep in Phan district. 

Monday’s earthquake struck at 6.06 pm, sending people in several northern provinces running out of buildings. Widespread damage to homes, temples, hospitals and other structures were reported in Chiang Rai, although few structures suffered severe damage. Damage was reported at Chiang Rai City Hall and Chiang Rung Hotel. Extensive damage was observed at two temples in the province. One temple suffered severe damage to the top part of a chedi, whereas the head of a Buddha statue at the other temple fell off. A few ceiling tiles in the passenger terminal at Chiang Rai airport were also reported to have fallen down.

As of Monday night, 23 people were reported to have been admitted to hospital in Chiang Rai because of injuries sustained during the quake. 2-3 aftershocks were felt by residents in the downtown area.

The quake also sent shoppers strolling in department stores in Chiang Mai running out of the buildings, and Chiang Mai Airport authorities called for a temporary suspension of flights to check for damage.