Death of Korean girl on Patong beach may be a suicide attempt


Kratoo district police in Phuket said late today that the death of a Korean girl on Patong beach this morning might be a suicide attempt.

The suicide theory came after the police could locate the hotel where the girl, Hong Garam, 28, checked in with her boyfriend Park Siwoo, 28.


From the questioning of a security guard at the Charm Hotel on Thawiwong road where the couple checked in, he said he saw the woman left their room at 1.20am with the man following behind.

The couple paused at the beach for talk.

But a moment later, he said he saw the woman walked up to the sea amid the rains and high waves.

The man followed her and shortly later both disappeared from sights.

Later at 5 am today the body of the woman was washed ashore on Patong beach, opposite the hotel where they checked in.

Police tried to locate the body of the man late today but still could not find him.

Initially the police said the couple might be engaged in a quarrel that promoted the woman to walk into the turbulent sea in an attempt to commit suicide.

The man then followed her and then both disappeared, or drowned.