Defense Minister: Thai students arrested in Pakistan not linked with southern unrest


BANGKOK, 12 June 2015 – Defense Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan has said Thai students arrested in Pakistan have no involvement in the Southern unrest or the Islamic State (IS).

Deputy Prime Minister for Security General Prawit said neither of them has any association with the IS nor the situation in the Deep South, after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had investigated.

Five Thai students were arrested at the airport in Pakistan on Monday after one of them was allegedly trying to conceal a firearm in his carry-on bag. Their families also have no connection to any violence in the restive south.

Defense Minister General Prawit said he held no grudges against reporters when asked questions, and was willing to answer every question.

According to the General, the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) is only concerned about the media sensationalizing the issue, as it could mislead the public. He also insisted that the NCPO would not interfere with the draft charter.