Dengue fever on the rise in Trat


TRAT, 25 June 2012  – According to Trat’s provincial public health office, over 140 confirmed cases of the potentially deadly dengue fever virus have so far been reported in the eastern province. 

Since the beginning of this year, 146 cases of dengue fever have been recorded in Trat province, with the toll ranked as second highest in the eastern region and seventh highest in Thailand. A record number of 6 patients have been found in Koh Kood, the farthest island in the Trat Sea.

Dr. Chumpol Suwan, Chief Medical Officer at the Trat Provincial Public Health Office, today held an emergency meeting with district health offices, hospitals and relevant provincial agencies in response to the growing threat of dengue fever.

As preventative measures, the Trat Provincial Public Health Office is setting up a war room to concentrate on pro-active dengue fever campaigns on the provincial and district levels.