Department of Land Transport to improve quality of public transport

Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob has instructed the Department of Land Transport to improve the quality of public transport.
Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob has instructed the Department of Land Transport to improve the quality of public transport.

Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob has instructed the Department of Land Transport to improve the quality of public transport services in response to public demand, and open social media channels for commuters to file complaints.

The Transport Minister observed the operations of the GPS Transport Management Center and the Public Passenger Protection Center, and delivered his work policy to high-ranking officials of the Department of Land Transport.

The department has been assigned to enhance the quality of public transport services, such as using digital technology to facilitate passenger movement. The department has also been tasked to determine measures to support public transport employees, reduce overlapping bus routes, upgrade the quality of public buses, promote the use of Skytrains and improve the level of safety.
To address the levels of particulate matter of 2.5 microns and less in diameter (PM2.5), the Department of Land Transport has to focus on the source of the emissions and improve the pollution inspection measures.

The Transport Minister also instructed the Department of Land Transport to open social media channels for people to file complaints, so relevant agencies can promptly address their problems.