Department of Land Transport to revoke licenses of bus drivers exhibting bad behavior


BANGKOK, 29 June 2015 (NNT)-The Department of Land Transport (DLT) is planning to revoke the driving licenses of public bus drivers who behave unprofessionally, after receiving numerous complaints from passengers.

DLT Director General Theerapong Rodprasert says his department has received a large number of complaints through social media and his office.

According to the complaints, many bus drivers had behaved very unprofessionally, including running red lights, ordering passengers to get off before they reached their destinations and using vulgar language.

The DLT will from now penalize drivers blatantly breaking the law, especially those whose conduct could put the lives of passengers as well as others on the road in great danger.

Such drivers would have their driving licenses revoked immediately if found guilty. The DLT Director General added that they would not be given a second chance even if it was their first offense.

Some drivers will also be required to attend a seminar on public transport safety and have their driving history recorded. The DLT will continue to keep an eye on these drivers, to make sure they do not repeat the same mistakes.