Deputy Transport Minister inspects Laem Chabang container transport center


CHONBURI, 21 March 2017  – The Deputy Minister of Transport has affirmed that a center for rail transport of cargo containers will begin operation this year after inspecting the project at Laem Chabang Harbor.

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Deputy Minister of Transport Pichit Akkarathit has performed an inspection of the container transport center set up at Laem Chabang Harbor of Chonburi province. The project, worth 2.944 billion baht, is now over 49 percent complete and is following set plans for completion by the end of this year. The center’s opening will allow the nation to handle an additional 1 million container units over the next 4 years.

The center was designed to facilitate the transfer of cargo containers directly from their ships to trains at Laem Chabang and for further transport to Lad Krabang. The enhanced transport would cut down working times and greatly reduce both transport costs and traffic issues.