Digital billboards to assist tracing missing persons, stolen vehicles


BANGKOK, Aug 26 — the Thai police will use digital billboards to communicate information on missing people and stolen vehicles after its successful trial use.

Pol Gen Somyot Poompanmoung, national police chief-elect, signed an agreement with representatives of the Thai General Insurance Association, the Mirror Foundation and Plan B Media Co for screening such information on digital billboards in Bangkok.

Gen Somyot said the information dissemination via digital billboards at intersections and mass transit rail stations was intended to eliminate room in society for those commit crimes.

The Thai General Insurance Association offers Bt1.4 million bounties for those providing clues to the arrests of 50 major car thieves.

Rewards ranged from Bt15,000 to 50,000 per case.

Information on missing persons will also be screened on digital billboards as such communication has led to finding many missing persons.

Car theft remains rampant in Thailand due to demand in neighboring countries and the Thai public’s demand for used auto parts and used vehicles illegally assuming the registration of vehicle wrecks.

Police are searching for about 600 vehicles with such illicit registration.