DMS ensures quality of nonprescription drugs used domestically


BANGKOK – The Department of Medical Sciences (DMS) has published the Green Book 2017, listing all pharmaceutical products and manufacturers that have passed evaluation by the DMS for their quality standards.

DMS Director General Sukhum Kanchanaphimai disclosed that the DMS has collaborated with government hospitals nationwide to collect and verify the quality of 572 samples of pharmaceutical products used in hospitals. The results are then assessed to enable The DMS will assess the results to verify all pharmaceutical products are in line pharmacopeial standards. All the products have been listed in the Green Book lists all products in its “List of Quality Pharmaceutical Products and Manufacturers”, which includes their generic names and all pharmaceutical companies holding at least three production lots of the pharmacopeial quality-approved products with their registration number.

Up until now, two editions of the Green Book have been published and distributed to the general public.

In fiscal year 2007, the DMS, Bureau of Drug and Narcotic and Regional Medical Sciences Centers selected 60 items of modern and herbal products for quality assurance. The selection criteria was based on information from “the National Essential Drugs List” including pharmaceutical products which had not been subject to quality assurance over the past five years and products with stability problem. The results were then assessed and published in the following edition of the Green Book to facilitate purchasing decisions or to be used for other beneficial purposes. Substandard pharmaceutical products will be reported to the Food and Drug Administration.

Interested individuals can download Green Book 2017 from the website of the DMS’ Bureau of Drug and Narcotic or and