Doctors to give summary report on HM the King on monthly basis if his health conditions improve steadily


His Majesty the King’s health condition has improved and his heart muscle has worked satisfactorily after doctors at Siriraj hospital gave the King oxygen and increase the draining of spinal fluid out of the body through the stomach by means of a draining tube, according to the 30th announcement of the Bureau of the Royal Household.


Doctors at Siriraj hospital who have been treating HM the King gave a summary report of the health condition of the King during June 1-July 2 as follows:

In June, HM the King had low fever occasionally but his condition was improving. However, the King was oxygen and treated for excessive phlegm and saliva.

Follow-up examination showed abnormal amount of spinal fluid in the King’s brain but after the adjustment of the draining tube through the stomach the amount of fluid has dropped.

However, doctors felt that the amount of spinal fluid being drained out was less than normal and recommended for adjustment of the draining tube to increase the fluid draining on July 2 and the result was satisfactory.

Doctors have suggested that, if the King does not experience abnormal conditions, they would provide a summary report of the King’s conditions on monthly basis.