Donation of three million books and learning materials


BANGKOK – The Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education is providing over 3 million copies of books and learning materials to the Office of Non-Formal and Informal Education (ONIE) to promote reading across the country.

Deputy Permanent Secretary Panit Meesurntorn, chaired a ceremony to receive the material donated by the Office of the Welfare Promotion Commission for Teachers and Educational Personnel in collaboration with Thailand Knowledge Park, the State Railway of Thailand and Jamsai Publishing Company. The donation was made to support the policy of ONIE to promote reading across the country

The ceremony also dispatched caravans traveling to all 77 provinces in the country to promote public access to quality books for readers of all ages. The ONIE currently has over 7,000 learning centers at the sub-district level, over 18,000 community book centers and 909 public libraries with more than two million registered users.

The collection offered at the ceremony includes books and textbooks providing broad general knowledge with a value of over 100 million baht.