DPM discusses NESDB 2020 economic measures


BANGKOK – Deputy Prime Minister SomkidJatusripitak attended a meeting with NESDB executives during which he delivered policies on economic measures in 2020, stressing NESDB’s role as the main agency able to determine national social and economic development guidelines according to the national strategy, and deliver concrete outcomes from policies and strategies already in place.

He said the NESDB in 2020 should focus on the development of new economic zones, especially the development of the Southern Economic Corridor (SEC) following the success of the Eastern Economic Corridor project.

The DPM urged the NESDB to address inequalities and take care of SMEs, the agricultural sector, the grassroots economy, the tourism sector, and service sector, to help minimize unemployment in the future.

The NESDB Secretary General, ThosapornSirisumphand, revealed that the NESDB is ready to proceed with its plans according to policies already in place, covering new economic development zones which include the Southern Economic Corridor, the Northern Economic Corridor, and the Northeastern Economic Corridor, to help improve the delivery of key agricultural produce in each region.