DPM: Strong baht reflects stable national economy


Bangkok – The Thai currency’s appreciation is an indication of the country’s good economic performance and stability, according to Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak.

The deputy premier reassured investors about Thailand’s economic performance during his speech at the Federation of Thai Industries’ board meeting.

He said the foundation of the economy remains strong, as indicated by 4.1% economic growth last year and a 205 billion US dollar reserve, 8.7 trillion baht stock exchange trading in the past 3 quarters, which is an 11% growth, and some 800 billion baht gross profit from companies registered with the stock exchange.

He said those figures reflect the robustness of the national economy even during a global economic recession, while the continuation of current economic measures by the new government will allow for GDP growth exceeding 4.1%.

He reaffirmed the appreciation of the baht has resulted from the good economic performance, stability and orderliness, and interests of investors.