EC: Earliest possible date for next election is July 13


BANGKOK, 25 April 2014 – The Election Commission (EC) has stated that it is impossible to hold a new round of elections in June and that the earliest possible date is July 13. 

Election Commissioner Somchai Srisuthiyakorn said during a special seminar regarding the agency’s role in ensuring a fair election that a number of political parties have urged the EC to hold the new polls on June 15. However, the EC said it was not possible since the election should be held 90 days following the announcement of the royal decree and the poll be held on either July 20 or 27.

He noted that the date can be pushed to July 13 but necessary preparations for the polls may not be ready in time. The EC is set to hold another meeting with the current administration on April 30 on the issue.

Mr. Somchai further assured the public that there would not be another disruption to the electoral process, as candidates have been allowed to register for the race by mail or via the internet.

The Pheu Thai Party has also expressed their wish that the election be held on June 15, as proposed by 53 smaller parties.