EGAT affirms Myanmar earthquake has no affect on Thailand’s dams


The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) has confirmed that the 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Myanmar had no effect on the structural integrity of Thailand’s Bhumibol Dam.


According to EGAT’s civil maintenance department director Deja Boonyakanjana, the quake on August 24 occurred some 638 kilometers away from Bhumibol Dam.  Seismic measurements at the dam registered tremors well within the dam’s resilience levels, while tremors at other major dams were recorded even lower.

EGAT’s deputy director on social affairs Saharat Boonphophakdee assured that the quake had no effect on the stability of Srinagarind Dam, which lies 900 kilometers away from the earthquake epicenter, while buildings in Bangkok were able to absorb the tremors due to the nature of the capital’s soft soil.