EGAT assures major dams unaffected by Myanmar quake


KANCHANABURI, 20 May 2012 – Officials have confirmed that the latest earthquake in Myanmar has not posed any impact on Thailand’s 2 major dams. 

Sri Nakarin Dam Director Boon-in Chuenchavalit said on Sunday that officials have inspected the structures of Sri Nakarin and Vajiralongkorn dams this morning following reports of a tremor in neighboring Myanmar.

At around 2 am local time, a 5.1-magnitude earthquake was reported in Myanmar.

Mr. Boon-in said that the inspection found that both dams have not been affected by the quake as the epicenter is 290 kms and 353 kms far from Sri Nakarin and Vajiralongkorn dams, respectively.

He went on to say that the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), which oversees power production at both dams, has been checking on them regularly with a detection system installed to ensure timely measures to deal with any situation.