Electricity Authority ensures cleanest coal technology for Krabi power plant


KRABI, 26 May 2015 – The EGAT Governor has addressed public concern, regarding the construction of the Krabi power plant, saying that the plant will utilize the cleanest coal technology available.

The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) Governor Soonchai Kumnoonsate has said that the Krabi power plant is an important project for the national energy security, especially in the southern region of Thailand. He assured the public that EGAT will operate the power plant with their best efforts, and envisions that it will become the best power plant for the community and region.

He has said that the power plant will utilize the most cutting edge clean coal technology. EGAT will also operate an isolated coal transport system, bringing the coal in from the source to the power plant without affecting marine tourism.

The power plant will feature an environmental management system that will monitor water and air qualities, as well as the emission levels, to ensure that the community and the environment will not suffer any side-effects.

The power plant will also use palm oil as fuel, along with bunker oil to help alleviate palm farmers’ expenses, in keep with the government’s policy. Communities will benefit from the project’s ‘Bioway’ campaign, that will provide community members’ knowledge for a better quality of life and help them generate more income from farming related crops.

The EGAT Governor has added that the EGAT has the confidence of the communities, and is willing to address all groups’ curiosity regarding the project.