Every sector in Maha Sarakham province signs MOU on alcohol control


MAHA SARAKHAM, 10 July 2015 – Representatives of every sector in Maha Sarakham province have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on alcohol control.

The provincial governor led representatives of all sectors in the province in the signing of an MOU introducing the 2015 “Strategic Provinces on Alcohol Control” program, to jointly push for community awareness of the effects and problems of alcohol abuse.

Related sectors including government organizations, educational institutes, the local administrative office, police, soldiers, 13 district chiefs, members of the private sector and organizations, all signed the MOU. The provincial public health office in collaboration with the Stop Drink Network and the Thai Health Promotion Foundation have implemented the agreement to raise community awareness of the problems associated with alcoholic beverages.

Statistics show that Maha Sarakham province is the worst affected province with 24.10 percent of youths aged 15-18 years old consuming alcohol. The public health ministry’s declaration of the alcohol control act will limit youth’s exposure to alcoholic beverages through sales restrictions at various locations such as in government grounds, educational institutes, temples, public health service centers, public parks, and gas stations for example. These places will be off limits for the sale or drinking of alcohol according to the law while policies to decrease alcohol consumption by young members of society, will also be promoted.

Apart from the signing of an MOU, the move also included a strategic discussion on the matter, to be used as a tool according to the the program’s goals.