Exodus causes traffic congestion on Mitraphrap Highway in Northeast Thailand

Lots of vehicles either moved slowly or stopped on an uphill section of the national highway and congestion stretched over four kilometers from LatBuaKhao sub-district to a three-way interchange where a road from central NakhonRatchasima, Sikhiu-Chaiyaphum Road and Sikhiu-DetUdom Road meet.

Traffic thickened on Mitrapharp Highway in Sikhiu district of NakhonRatchasima, the gateway of the Northeast, as the New Year exodus began.

Lots of vehicles either moved slowly or stopped on an uphill section of the national highway and congestion stretched over four kilometers from LatBuaKhao sub-district to a three-way interchange where a road from central NakhonRatchasima, Sikhiu-Chaiyaphum Road and Sikhiu-DetUdom Road meet.

Highway police and officials of the Highways Department will close all median openings on Mitrapharp Highway between Sikhiu and Muang districts to facilitate traffic flows and prevent accidents.

Motorists can use the 36-kilometer-long section of an inter-provincial motorway between Pak Chong and Sikhiu districts free of charge on Dec 29. (TNA)