Firearms, ammunition cache seized during search of suspected insurgent’s home in Narathiawat


NARATHIWAT, July 15 — A large amount of firearms, ammunition and other items involved with insurgent attacks in the southernmost provinces was seized at the home of a suspected insurgent in Narathiwat.

Capt Somkiat Phonprayoon, commander of a special Marine unit of the Chulabhorn Marine Naval Camp in Narathiwat had led some 100 military personnel, citing martial law, to search seven locations in Paluka Samo sub-district of Narathiwat’s Bacho district.

The Marine had searched seven locations around a home of a suspected insurgent, identified as Eruwan Maseng ,and found one M-16 assault rifle of which the registration number showed that it was stolen from the 4th development battalion in Narathiwat’s Cho Airong district during a raid on Jan 4, 2004.

The unit also found an HK 33 assault rifle, shotgun, communication radio, medical equipment, 12 mobile phones and many rounds of ammunition.

All of them were sent to check for fingerprints that could be matched with previous insurgent attacks in the southern provinces.

The search had resulted after a marine unit set up a checkpoint as part of security measures to be stepped up to prevent possible attacks as the holy month of Ramadan approached.

During the operation at one checkpoint, Mr Eruwan, 20, and Mr Mohamad Fa-Isya, 21, stopped their motorcycle immediately after seeing checkpoint abandoned their vehicle and a bag before fleeing into the woods.

The Marine found two ID cards and a 9mm pistol, which led the forces to search seven locations near Mr Eruwan’s home.