Five soldiers wounded in Yala bicycle bomb, drive-by shooting attack


YALA, July 3 — Five Thai army soldiers in a military transport vehicle were wounded by a bicycle bomb in the southern province of Yala on Tuesday.

The violence occurred as the soldiers were leaving their base at Wat Lam Mai in Lam Mai sub-district for their daily duties.

After the explosion, a white pick up truck has passed by and 3-4 men on the truck have sprayed bullets to soldiers before fleeing the scene.

Five soldiers were wounded, two seriously. All were sent to hospital for treatment in Yala.

The six-wheel M35 military truck was targeted on Ban Niang-Pi Sad road in the Yala provincial seat’s Lam Mai sub-district. The vehicle was seriously damaged on the road side.

Fragments of a homemade bomb estimated to have carried 3-5 kilogrammes of explosive material were scattered in the area.

The authorities believed the bomb was built into a bicycle and triggered by radio signal or mobile phone. The twisted remains of a bicycle was found nearby.