Fourth Army Commander sets peace and security policy

Village heads, district chiefs, and community leaders gathered to discuss the councils’ role in ensuring safety and sustainable growth in the region.

NARATHIWAT, Thailand – Lt Gen Paisal Nusang, Commander of the Fourth Army Region and Director of the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) Region 4, held a meeting on October 21 at Narathiwat Community College to present key policy directives to local leaders and officials. The discussions centered on improving security, enforcing the law, and advancing community development through Subdistrict Peace Councils. Village heads, district chiefs, and community leaders gathered to discuss the councils’ role in ensuring safety and sustainable growth in the region.

The policies stressed reinforcing territorial control, addressing drug-related issues, and promoting peaceful coexistence in a multicultural society. Local leaders were urged to communicate actively with residents and coordinate closely with military units to maintain security. The Subdistrict Peace Councils will lead efforts to engage communities in joint security and development initiatives.

The meeting also provided a platform for identifying local challenges and promoting collaborative problem-solving. This inclusive approach offers timely assistance to communities in need, fostering development aligned with local contexts and building resilient communities for long-term progress.

Clear communication with residents was a key focus, particularly during sensitive incidents such as law enforcement operations. Village chiefs were committed to serving as intermediaries, ensuring accurate information, and promoting cooperation between military forces and local communities. This transparent approach builds trust and unity in the southern border provinces, laying the foundation for lasting peace. (NNT)