French Ambassador pays official visit to Southern border


YALA – The Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC) has welcomed the French Ambassador who was making an official visit to the South to study the region’s economic, social and political situation.

Secretary-General of the SBPAC Rear Admiral Somkiat Ponprayoon and Ambassador Jacques Lapouge discussed the various missions of the SBPAC in improving the quality of life of the local people, using the principle of a triangle of stability, prosperity, and sustainability, building peace and promoting the role of women in society.

Rear Admiral Somkiat stressed that the operations of SBPAC conform with the government’s 20-year national strategy focusing on creating stability through career development and education in a multicultural environment. He is confident that the South will become a viable investment option, citing the development of the Southern Economic Corridor, and a special development zone at Chana district in Songkhla Province.

Ambassador Jacques said he will submit the information collected during the visit to the French government, and added that he now has a better understanding of the workimgs of SBPAC. He recognized the difficulty and sensitivity of the center’s operations but is confident that the Thai officials will be successful in their missions.
