Gen Prawit reviews programs in southern border provinces

Deputy Prime Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwan.
Deputy Prime Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwan.

Bangkok – The committee responsible for solving the southern border insurgency crisis has approved a program to install CCTV cameras and expand on the triangle urban development program for security, prosperity, and sustainability.

The meeting, led by Deputy Prime Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwan, approved the 2018-19 CCTV camera program and expansion to the urban development scheme to Chana District in Songkhla as a model industrial city of the future. The meeting also approved the 2019-21 overseas field trip program for students based in the southern border provinces.

Gen Prawit emphasized efficiency in ensuring the safety of the lives and property of the public by integrating efforts across agencies to meet the needs of the public while also preventing misuse of government funds.