Global assessment team praises Thailand’s alcohol consumption control


BANGKOK – The National Alcohol Policy Committee and an international alcohol control assessment team have lauded Thailand’s alcohol control measures and many outstanding achievements, while commenting that the country is a role model for the region.

A meeting was recently held between high-ranking officials responsible for the country’s alcohol consumption control and the international alcohol control assessment team, comprising representatives of the Thai government, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the United Nations. Formed after the Thai government launched a joint assessment mission to review alcohol control and strategies, the team has performed field work in Songkhla, Chiang Mai and Bangkok and presented policy-level information to the government.

After the meeting, the Deputy Minister of Public Health, SathitPitutecha, and Prof. Dr. Sally Casswell, the head of the international alcohol control assessment team, jointly announced Thailand’s outstanding success in controling alcohol consumption in the country, saying Thailand can be used as a good example for other countries in Asia.

The government has already implemented some recommendations made by the global assessment team and will do more by increasing the age limit for the purchase of alcohol to 20 years, decreasing the number of alcohol selling points, and prohibiting all forms of alcohol advertising particularly on digital media. More focus will be given to encouraging participation in alcohol controls by local communities.
