Government hospitals struggling to meet patient load, public health minister admits


Suffering from larger numbers of outpatients and overcrowding, Thailand’s government hospitals are struggling to adequately serve customers, Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanawisit admitted Saturday.

Speaking at Pattaya’s Dusit Thai Hotel, Jurin said the government wants to launch a new drive in August to improve the atmosphere, service and administration of government hospitals. But with the national heath care system facing a number of challenges, the ministry is seeking public opinion on how to do that.

The minister noted that the government continues to pour money in for new services and benefits. But the shift to more out-patient care has resulted in long waits for patients and growing complaints.

At the same time, in-patient care is being impacted by increasing reluctance by private hospitals – beset with growing numbers of malpractice lawsuits – to refuse treatment to high-risk patients. The complicated cases, Jurin said, are then dumped on government hospitals, resulting in more expenses and overcrowdings.

At this point, the government has few ideas on how to correct the problems and hopes public brainstorming sessions, such as this week’s workshop in Pattaya, can help.

Government hospitals struggling to meet patient load, public health minister admits