Headaches, constipation, muscle cramps most common ailments suffered by people during summer

Department of Health Director-General Dr. Achara Nithiaphinyasakul said the survey highlighted widespread concern about the impact of summer heat on health – specifically, 52.8% of participants expressed moderate concerns, while 19.8% indicated high concerns about the effects of heat. (Photo – Koh Larn off Pattaya coast)

The Department of Health has released findings from a recent survey indicating that headaches, constipation, and muscle cramps are the most common ailments suffered by people during the summer. The survey, which involved 682 participants and was conducted from March 1 to April 4, revealed that 21.9% of respondents frequently experienced headaches, while 13.6% reported constipation, and 12.7% had cramps in their legs and belly.

Department of Health Director-General Dr. Achara Nithiaphinyasakul said the survey highlighted widespread concern about the impact of summer heat on health. Specifically, 52.8% of participants expressed moderate concerns, while 19.8% indicated high concerns about the effects of heat. In response, most respondents took preventive actions to safeguard their health: 93.9% ate freshly cooked food to prevent diarrhea, 93.8% consistently washed their hands, and 87.8% ensured they stayed hydrated.

Amidst these health concerns, the Meteorological Department has issued a warning that 15 provinces, including Bangkok, are currently under a red-level heat index alert, indicating extremely dangerous conditions that will persist until April 27.

According to Dr. Achara, heatstroke, which can dramatically raise the body’s core temperature to 40 degrees Celsius or above, can also lead to symptoms such as skin redness, a rapid pulse, headache, dizziness, vomiting, and potentially, unconsciousness or death. To combat heatstroke, she advised applying ice or a cooling cloth to critical areas such as the neck and armpits to reduce body temperature before seeking hospital care. (NNT)