Health Service Support Department to revoke licenses from substandard clinics


BANGKOK – Health Service Support Department director general Boonreung Traireungworarat said the department has planned to monitor and control the operating standards for private clinics and hospitals.

That refers to a total of 22, 578 clinics and 344 hospitals nationwide which have been granted operating licenses for 2016.

Health Service Support Department Director General Boonreung Traireungworarat

In addition, nine channels are available for the public to file complaints about possible flaws in the operating standards of those clinics and hospitals such as by calling 02-193-7000 ext. 18822, Hotline 02-193-7999, or visiting the website: or contacting the Office of the Consumer Protection Board (OCPB).

All complaints will be inspected and those who may file them will get a reply within a 12-days time.