Heavy rainfall causes floods, overflows in many provinces

In the border area of Mae Sot district, Tak province, heavy and continuous rainfall for 3 days has affected 5 districts along the border line.

Heavy rainfall has caused flooding in Mae Hong Son while in Tak, the level of the Moei River has risen to a dangerous red alert level.

In Mae Hong Son’s Sob Moei district, preliminary reports indicate damage to 27 houses. Emergency supplies such as 50 blankets and 1,000 bottles of drinking water have been distributed to flood-affected residents, who have evacuated to the safe area at the Ban Mae Tor La School.

The military and volunteers have been dispatched to assess the situation and provide relief efforts. The authorities are also working to reopen some roads, hit by landslides and have closely monitored the water levels in the rivers to provide timely assistance.

Accumulated rainfall and high water levels prompt evacuations in Tak

In the border area of Mae Sot district, Tak province, heavy and continuous rainfall for 3 days has affected 5 districts along the border line.

The Moei River, bordering Thailand and Myanmar, has rapidly risen to the critical red alert level overnight. Muddy water has overflowed its banks, inundating the riverfront areas of Mae Sot district and Myawaddy in Myanmar. Some 20 houses have been submerged, prompting locals to move their belongings and commodities to higher ground.

The Moei River, bordering Thailand and Myanmar, has rapidly risen to the critical red alert level overnight.

Residents on the so-called No Man’s Land, an island in the middle of the Moei River faced potential risks

Hundreds of people who reside on the so-called No Man’s Land, an island in the middle of the Moei River were in immediate danger after the island was flooded. They were forced to escape to long-tailed boats, seeking safety on the shores of the Myawaddy side. Due to the limited number of boats available, some people used swim rubber tubes and foam boxes to escape the floodwaters.

Although the rising water has posed a flood threat to the Rim Moei market, most of the 147 vendors continue to open their shops as usual. However, some shop owners are concerned about the situation and are quickly relocating their goods to safer areas. Traders are vigilant as a decade ago the market experienced a major flood. The local community at the market is on standby, continuously monitoring the water levels of the Moei River around the clock. (TNA)