Hefty 112.47 billion baht foreign investment in Thailand in Jan-Nov

The investment came from newly registered foreign businesses while during the first 11 months of this year the Department of Business Development approved the business of 530 foreigners who employed 5,008 Thai people, Sanit said.

Foreigners invested as much as 112.47 billion baht in Thailand in the first 11 months of this year, up by 74% from the same period last year, said Deputy Commerce Minister Sinit Lertkrai.

Mr Sinit said that the investment came from newly registered foreign businesses. During the first 11 months of this year the Department of Business Development approved the business of 530 foreigners who employed 5,008 Thai people, he said.

Among them, Japanese business operators formed the biggest group, 137 operators or 26%, and they invested 39 billion baht altogether, followed by 85 Singaporean operators (16%) with 11.99-billion-baht investment and 70 Americans (13%) investing 3.34 billion baht.

This year’s period saw the foreign investment rising by 47.88 billion baht or 74% from 64.58 billion baht from January to November last year, Mr Sinit said.

The new businesses registered from January to November this year were related to infrastructural development, the investment promotion policy of the government and important industries targeted by the government.

Some of the newly approved  businesses were tasked with the design, construction, installation and maintenance of a power storage system to be linked to a hybrid power plant of U-Tapao airport; dredging, land reclamation and the installation of silt curtains for the Map Ta Phut Industrial Port; and the construction of electric vehicle charging stations. (TNA)