House Secretary-General: First NRC meeting can take place under NLA meeting regulations


BANGKOK, 20 October 2014  The Secretary General of the House of Representatives has confirmed that the first meeting of the National Reform Council can take place as planned even without its own meeting regulations.

House Secretary General Charae Panpruang, who acts as the Secretary General of the NRC, said that the first meeting of the reform council on October 21 has been scheduled for the election of an NRC president and two NRC vice presidents.

Before the election process, all NRC members will be taking an oath of allegiance after they have received the royal endorsement for the appointment to sit in the council, with Mr. Paron Israsena, who is the most senior NRC member, performing the role of the chair for the day.

Mr. Charae insisted that, even though the NRC has not drafted its own meeting regulations, the adoption of the NLA rules will ensure that the selection process will be fair and transparent.

He went on to say that after the selection of the president and the two vice presidents, the meeting will move on to discuss other issues, including the appointment of two members to the Constitutional Drafting Committee, which must be completed within 15 days from the first day of the NRC meeting.