Bangkok,14th August 2019 (NNT) – The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Chuan Leekpai, has addressed envoys from the ASEAN Parliament, assuring them that security measures are in place for the 40th ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), which will take place later this month.
Mr. Chuan led the briefing on preparations made for the 40th AIPA Summit, scheduled to take place from August 25 to 30, before members of the assembly, and participating envoys as well as observers. He remarked that despite explosions occuring in past weeks in Bangkok, those attending the gathering should feel confident that security measures covering safety and traffic have been put into place.
The conference serves as a forum for the discussion of regional issues with a key topic being the important AIPA proposals put forward at the 34th ASEAN Leaders Summit. The proposals range from climate and environmental issues to women’s roles, the industrial revolution and narcotics.
AIPA is a collection of parliamentarians from across the bloc with representatives of both government and opposition sides. The assembly allows for discourse leading to legal changes in support of improved democracy, equality and peace. It was established over 40 years ago in Jakarta, Indonesia.