Indefinite delay in release of registration results for smartphone users under ‘Digital Wallet’ project

Deputy Finance Minister Julapun Amornvivat explained that the delay is necessary to carefully review the registration data, as some vulnerable individuals may also have registered through smartphones.

BANGKOK, Thailand – The Ministry of Finance has announced an indefinite delay in the release of registration results for smartphone users under the “Digital Wallet” project. The results, initially set to be published on September 22, were postponed due to concerns over potential overlap with vulnerable groups, such as recipients of the state welfare card.

The registration for the 10,000-baht top-up program through the “Tang Rath” digital wallet application began on August 1 and concluded on September 15. However, the Ministry said it now needs to ensure that the first phase of payments, which targets 14.5 million vulnerable individuals, including state welfare cardholders and people with disabilities, is completed without duplication. These payments are scheduled to start on September 25.

Deputy Finance Minister Julapun Amornvivat explained that the delay is necessary to carefully review the registration data, as some vulnerable individuals may also have registered through smartphones. The Ministry is working to verify eligibility and avoid any overlap between the two phases.

In addition to postponing the results for smartphone users, the Ministry has delayed the registration process for non-smartphone users, which was initially set to begin today (Sep 16). The registration for this group will now take place through the Government Savings Bank (GSB), the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC), and the Government Housing Bank (GH Bank) at a later date. (NNT)