Industrial estates unaffected by drought crisis


BANGKOK, 29 June 2015 (NNT)-The Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) has disclosed that industrial estates have not been affected by the drought crisis.

IEAT Deputy Governor Srivanik Hasdin said the private sector has to rely on the water from their reserves to keep the production going until the rainy season officially begins in late July.

The Deputy Governor added that every company in the industrial estates around Thailand has been advised to use the water wisely even though investors have yet to show concerns.

The IEAT is currently in the process of developing a plan to counter the crisis if there are water shortages again next year.

According to the IEAT Deputy Governor, new sources of water will be sought to assure that industrial productivity will continue unaffected.

Although sea water could potentially be desalinated to increase the levels of fresh water, the IEAT will have to seriously discuss the option, as it could be too costly for the investors.