Industry Ministry to promote EEC projects in Japan


BANGKOK– The Ministry of Industry plans to promote economic cooperation with Japan, particularly on medical instrument industry and Thailand’s Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) projects.

Industry Minister Uttama Savanayana joined in a trip to Japan led by Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak during 4-9 June 2017 with the intention to enhance economic cooperation.

The Ministry of Industry expects to push forward the signing of five Memorandum of Intentions on EEC projects, the restructure of target industries, the development of the medical instrument industry, and the cooperation on SMEs development between both countries.

The Thai officials is seeking to promote investments by Japanese investors in the EEC by offering development partnership scheme to Japan, and promote benefits offered to Japanese investors for investments in the EEC.

Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) will be signed between the Department of Industrial Development and Fukushima Prefecture which aims to develop the connectivity between SMEs of both sides; and a trilateral MOU between the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), the Federation of Thai Industries’ medical instrument cluster, and Fukushima Medical Device Industry Promotion Agency (FMDIPA) to promote researches and cooperation in medical instrument industry development towards higher standards in order to penetrate into ASEAN and Japanese markets.