Interior Ministry aims to hold public dialogues to achieve national reconciliation


BANGKOK, 6 June 2012 – The Interior Ministry is moving forward with efforts to achieve reconciliation in Thailand, with public dialogues on the issue set to take place soon. 

Deputy Permanent Secretary to Interior Vullop Phringphong said on Tuesday that the Committee to Coordinate and Follow Up on Actions Taken to Implement the Recommendations of the Truth for Reconciliation Commission of Thailand (TRCT), chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Yongyoot Wichaidit, has resolved to agree with the recommendation to organize public dialogues to help sort out the ongoing political conflicts in the country.

The Community Development Department has been assigned to work with the Department of Local Administration and Suan Dusit Rajabhat University to organize the dialogues, with the topics that focus on the root causes of the conflicts and the path towards national reconciliation.

Mr. Vullop said that the results from the public dialogues are hoped to be used as reference by related organizations, agencies or educational institutions.

Under the project, the dialogues will be organized at the Tambon or sub-district level, which are expected to complete by the end of June, and at the provincial level, which will be implemented in July.

The Deputy Permanent Secretary to Interior added that the dialogues are considered crucial for the government’s efforts to restore peace in Thailand; therefore, they are treated as an important and urgent policy for the Interior Ministry and every city hall to complete in time.