Interior Ministry calls for drafting of provincial regulations for floating lanterns and rockets


BANGKOK – The Ministry of Interior has ordered all provincial authorities strictly control the use of floating lanterns and homemade rockets following an order from the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).


Permanent Secretary for Interior Krisada Boonrach revealed that his ministry has instructed al provinces issue a provincial level declaration setting criteria for the use of floating lanterns and homemade rockets. Each province’s declaration is to be decided by its Provincial Council and Provincial Cultural Assembly in the interest of respecting local traditions. Nonetheless, the regulations must satisfy NCPO guidelines drafted for the safety of citizens from flammable items such as fireworks and floating lanterns.

The regulations should determine what time such items can be used, their type and size and the amount that can be used at any one time. Location and occasion of the items will also be regulated and security measures will be set as a condition for their usage.

All of the criteria are to be compiled and announced in the Royal Gazette so that they can be supported by law. All district chiefs and offices must be briefed on the regulations and enforce their rules while also publicizing them to locals.