ISOC Region 4 reveals southern unrest violence decreased in last 3 months


PATTANI, 12 January 2014  The Internal Security Operations Command Region 4 revealed that violence in the southern border provinces has decreased in the last 3 months, and that the situation in the area is improving accordingly. 

4th Army Area Commanding General, Lt. Gen. Sakon Chuentrakul, issued a statement about the Internal Security Operations Command Region 4 Forward Command’s performance during the last three months from October to December, 2013. He said that the agency has worked continuously with all relevant sectors to solve problems in the southern border provinces through internal security and development work.

The 4th Army Area Commanding General said that the situation in the area has improved accordingly. From October to December, 2013, there were a total of 192 incidents, including 79 internal security incidents that resulted in 120 fatalities and 253 injuries. When comparing the figures from October to December, 2013, with figures from the same period in 2012, it can be seen that casualties have decreased.

The 4th Army Area Commanding General added that statistics of incidents and casualties have decreased since 2004. He said that insurgents have not reduced their attempts to use the opportunity when Thailand is experiencing political turmoil to carry out acts of unrest. Bombings, as well as ambushes of both security forces and civilians continue to be carried out.