Italian Thai Development CEO’s wife hears charges of submitting false documents


Bangkok – The wife of Italian Thai Development CEO Premchai Karnasutra has heard charges from Natural Resource and Environment Division Police of providing authorities with false information after it was found she submitted erroneous ownership documentation for elephant ivory found in her home.

Kanita Karnasutra met with investigators Wednesday at the Natural Resource and Environment Police Division headquarters to acknowledge further charges stemming from her joint ownership of illegal animal remains and violating the Animal Protection Act. The latest allegations are that she submitted fraudulent information to authorities by handing in documentation stating that the elephant ivory found in her home was domestically sourced. Investigators have already confirmed that the ivory is from African Elephants.

Deputy Commander of the Royal Thai Police Pol Gen Sriwara Rangsipramnakul revealed that both Kanita and her husband Premchai have acknowledged their signatures on the documentation but have denied filing fraudulent information, claiming they were under the impression their elephant ivory was actually from domestic elephants. The case is expected to be submitted to the Office of the Attorney General by Friday, March 30.

The case file concerning Premchai and three others on illegal hunting activity has already been resubmitted to the Attorney General but further evidence collection can be requested.