Job seekers are invited to apply for jobs in Japan through the IM Japan organization, focusing on the manufacturing and construction industries. Applications can be submitted online without any fees.
According to Karom Phonphonklang, Deputy Government Spokesperson, the Department of Employment has announced that interested parties can apply at the website toea.doe.go.th. The site facilitates electronic registration for Thai labor management abroad. Applicants are required to fill in information to register as job seekers and study the application process, eligibility criteria, and relevant documents.
Details about the employment opportunities are available under the announcements section on the website.
The recruitment for these job positions is divided into five rounds from now until June.
Basic qualifications include male applicants aged 18 to 30 years, with a high school diploma, vocational certificate, or higher vocational certificate in any field. Applicants must not have a criminal record, have never worked or entered Japan illegally, or be banned from entering Japan.
Selected candidates will undergo training in the manufacturing sector, including jobs like electronic component assembly, machinery maintenance, plastic molding or casting, automotive repair and maintenance, and food processing. For the construction industry, opportunities include scaffolding, formwork construction, steel structure construction, waterproofing systems, and piping work.
For more information, visit the Department of Employment’s website at doe.go.th/prd or the Overseas Employment Administration Division at doe.go.th/overseas, the IMthailand Facebook page, or contact the Department of Employment hotline at 1694. (NNT)