Justice Minister believes government will complete four-year term


BANGKOK – The Justice Minister, SomsakThepsuthin, has expressed confidence that the current government will complete its four-year term, while saying a cabinet reshuffle is not unusual after a no-confidence debate.

The Justice Minister said today the government’s current number of House seats will make policymakers learn and do their homework more thoroughly. Coalition partners are to hold more talks to develop a firmer mutual understanding. It is normal to have politicians who defy their party’s orders, when the government does not have an overwhelming number of House seats.

Mr. Somsak mentioned that a cabinet reshuffle is also not unusual after a confidence debate because it can help create stability for the government. It is highly likely that this administration will complete the four-year term because too many elections can hurt the country. Since the Senate can now vote for a prime minister, new elections would not have a big impact on the government.

When asked about coalition parties failing to keep the promises they made during the election campaign, the Justice Minister said there are limitations because the government consists of many political parties. However, all ministries are doing their best to maintain people’s confidence and happiness.

Mr. Somsak said it is wrong to consider people with different political views as being in conflict, as this will not benefit the country or the general public. The domestic economy is set to improve, after the fiscal 2020 budget bill received parliamentary approval.

Speaking of a survey that shows a group of respondents supporting Future Forward Party leader ThanathornJuangroongruangkit as prime minister, the Justice Minister said an opinion expressed by a group of people should not be regarded as conclusive, as a majority of citizens may think differently.
