Justice Ministry to build 42 new prisons nationwide to ease overcrowding


BANGKOK, 16 October 2013 – The Justice Ministry is set to seek cabinet approval for plans to build 42 new prisons in light of congestion in prison cells across the country.

The project, expected to cost 30 billion baht, will include the construction of Thailand’s first super-maximum security prison. The proposal will be tabled for cabinet approval in two weeks’ time.

The highest security prison, set to be located in Nakhon Ratchasima province, is slated to house the most dangerous criminals such as major drug dealers and repeat offenders.

The ministry is also pushing for an early release of prisoners who have served two-thirds of their sentences and aging prisoners in order to ease prison congestion. The ministry believes that other measures to shrink inmate numbers will involve a series of rehabilitation programs.

In addition, a widespread crackdown on the smuggling of mobile phones into prisons is being launched in a bid to prevent the proliferation of drug networks. Authorities recently seized a radio-controlled plane flown to inmates in Khlong Phai prison in Nakhon Ratchasima.